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Comments Regarding School Tragedy in Winder, Georgia

Posted Date: 9/04/24 (4:08 PM)

Kahok Families, 


This morning’s tragedy at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, is devastating and there are no words to accurately express our sympathy for the victims, their families, school and community.  These recurring acts of violence cause fearfulness about school safety among families, students and educators across the country, including our district.  

As we have repeatedly said, the safety and welfare of our students is a top priority in our school district.  We constantly reevaluate and reinforce safety initiatives in our schools. The tragedy in Georgia is another harsh reminder, despite having plans in place, no school is immune to senseless violence. 

Communicate suspicions and concerns with principals, staff or law enforcement:  The goal is to always be proactive regarding risks and threats before they arise.  Our ability to thwart a problem is only as good as the information we get from families, students and community members. Your involvement is a vital part in the district’s efforts to provide a safe environment for our schools.

We encourage you to call 911 if there is an imminent danger; and share non-emergency information with our principals or counselors, or local police by contacting the dispatch numbers for each community. (List of non-emergency phone numbers is attached.)   


Filter information about tragic news events and present it to children in an age-appropriate way:  We have included links to several resources to help you and your family discuss and process what occurred today.  Do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s school for additional support.  

We rely on the strength and constant dedication of our Kahok community to support the safety and well-being of our students and staff. Thank you as we work together to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our children.  


Mark B. Skertich Ed.D.
